Free Middle School Science Book - BrishLab ES04A - Earth's Features
Terrain and Topographic Maps, How water shapes our planet.
Link to:  Read, mp3, LA, TA, LT

Book Index

BrishLab ES04A
Earth's Features
Terrain and Topographic Maps, How water shapes our planet. 

Step 1-Read the Chapter

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One page, two sided source material written at a Middle School level. 

Use the BrishLab Reading Strategy and the files below to learn the topic materials.

These files are for use on computer or printed out on one page, two sides.


(English) (Espaņol)

Step 2-Listen to Lesson
Reinforce learning by listening while highlighting the reading source materials.

This file may be downloaded to any mp3 player by right clicking and "Save target as..."

(.mp3 file)
Help Video-> Formatted for iPod, iPad or any mp3 player.

Step 3-Learn About...
Learn about the material with a 10 statement Cloze vocabulary development activity that includes research component, art in the content area and summary skill development.

Grade Rubric

(English) (Espaņol)
Help Video-> Cloze activity to develop vocabulary skills.


Step 4-Teach About...

Help Video-> Help Video->

Teach About the material by answering 10 questions for a 4th grader with a research part and art in the content area. Always with a draw component at the bottom.
Grade Rubric

 (English) (Espaņol)
Same as TA, but in a PowerPoint form.

(.ppt file)

Alternate-Learn and Teach
Combination of LA concepts and TA concepts for absent or special needs students.
Grade Rubric

(English) (Espaņol)
Help Video-> Item numbers follow the LA and TA for review purposes. Use the TA PowerPoint above .