RAE026 - Aerosols

Select the best word. Words are used only once.

Fill in all the gaps.
When done, press "Check" to check your answers.
   aerosol      can      chemicals      come      have      hurt      other      sprayed      they      we   
Have you ever walked into a room and it smelled like a rose garden? If you , it might just be that someone might have an air freshener in the room. The spray is an – small drops of chemicals that from a can with a spray nozzle. While make the room smell nice, the tiny droplets of can make some people ill.
Most people breathe well in a room that has been , but some can’t. We must make sure that do not use too much air freshener or aerosols like hair spray or body spray and people. A little is fine for many people, but like most things, too much is just too much!